If ancestors of a nation could have lived long enough, they would be able to see the difference between their thoughts and behaviors compared to their children’s. There is no doubt about culture changing in the long term. But what causes this alternation? One reason is the astounding evolution and progress in technology. Therefore, a twelve-year old boy is now looking for new computer games to play instead of rambling in his father’s farm land. Along with this progression different factors gradually add to a culture or subtract some traits from a culture while some characteristics remain the same in that culture. However, these changes vary from one society to the other. For example, Iran is a country that always has been under attack of other societies mainly because of its natural resources. Consequently, Iranian culture had been exposed to other cultures which have caused changes in the culture especially during the past 30 years.
Ancient Iranians (550–330 BC) were used to live in a caste system, and were able to tolerate other religions such as Christianity and Judaism. After, Arabs’ invaded the country around 1400 years ago, they enforced their religion, values, and culture into Iranian’s culture which caused gradual changes in the Iranian culture. Consequently Islam became the center of attention and played an important role in people’s daily lives. The cities’ image changed due to changes in women’s clothing, and gradually this change started to cause discrimination between men and women. Women were not able to play their part outside the house, so they stayed inside homes and turned to housewives.
Arabs tried so hard to diffuse their cultural traits into Iranian minds. However, they were unsuccessful in impacting some major aspects of the Persian culture such as language. Although changing some aspects of a culture most probably has impacts on other traits, Persians’ ethnocentric characteristic never let the language to be changed. Nowadays, this feature of Iranians leads them to be so proud of their past (before Islam), and their philosophers who mainly arose after Islam but got executed because their opinions were against Islam and political views of the time.
In the past thirty years, while extremists and radical Mullahs, as the country’s leaders, had been trying to enforce Islam and Islamic rules on the Iranian people’s everyday life, people’s thoughts and values changed again. But this time the change wasn’t because of the diffusion of other societies; it derived from the society itself. The pressure and oppression placed on people from the Islamic government completely transformed most of Iranians’ ideas of Islam. Now, people think more about their culture prior to Islam, and the hatred of religion is growing inside the families. Most of them have become hostile towards Islamic cultures.
The struggling against the Islamic rules brings self-confidence and assertiveness into women’s hearts and attitude. Even though they ought to wear Islamic and covering clothes enforced by the law, they design the cloths so fashionable that anyone around the world could use them as modern and chic outfits.
On the other hand, changes in Iran’s economy inevitably changed the nature of women’s role in the society. Economic and political opportunities have increased for women over the last thirty years. Many men who resisted the existence of women outside the home now encourage their wives to find jobs in order to help the families’ economy.
Overlooking the change in the culture caused by technology improvements is impossible. For example, plastic surgeries especially for men were something unacceptable in the past.Yet, it seems that no one in Iran gets surprised by seeing a man who is having a nose job now a days. Due to the importing of cables, satellite dishes, and high speed internet people get exposed to other cultures. Consequently, under the influence of commercials, looking like a Hollywood star becomes a desire for the young generation in a third world society such as Iran. Gradually, the idea of “looking good” spreads all around the country and consequently becomes a cultural value. Surprisingly, even elders tend to like this change in Iranian appearance and culture.
In all countries depending on whether the country is attacked by the outsiders or is a dominant society which absorbs variety of people around the world, culture change is unavoidable. Nevertheless, the culture change could be insignificant or extreme; for instance, when the Unites States receives immigrants from Asia, Europe, or Middle East there is no doubt about changes in some factors of the American culture over a period of time, however this change could be so small that it remains invisible. In contrast, when a nation like Iranians, is always under pressure of cruel authorities the culture change can be tremendous in some features. But, there are still some aspects in a culture which remain the same such as people’s language.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Adapting to the new culture such as America’s culture is something that takes several years, especially for someone who is so dependent on his background and country. Immigrants can learn about American culture in books and movies. However, to be more comfortable it is essential to assimilate some American values and assumptions. Living inside the American communities could be the fastest way of adapting to their characteristics.
When I moved to America three years ago, I had some imagination from what I’m supposed to see. Yet, a few of my assumptions came true, and most of them didn’t live up to my expectations. After going to a couple of Computer and English classes, and then finding a job in a private and family oriented company located in Huntington Beach, CA, now most of the American reactions are apprehended .
For Americans, individualism and equality is part of what it means to be an American. They have been taught since their childhood that everybody in this world are responsible for their actions, equal, have the same rights, and should be treated evenly. Doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what gender you are, you have the same rights and should be capable of doing your own habitual tasks. On the other hand, are these subjects only said in books or they are really practiced by citizens?
As a matter of fact some of American’s features differ in suburbs than countries. To be honest, I have experienced the equality between neither races nor genders until I came to New York City. Back in California, I applied for many computer jobs (which are known as a masculine kind of career) through the internet where the interviewers couldn’t tell my gender by my name. Unexpectedly, almost all of the interviewers were surprised when they saw a woman came to the interview, and none of them asked for the second interview except one which the manager was an Asian woman. A couple of years later when I moved to New York I was amazed when I saw African Americans actually own jobs like officers, bankers or teachers since in Orange County, California, I rarely saw an African American doing a high level job or living in a good neighborhood. However, individualism is in American’s blood. No matter how helpless I was in some situations people never dare to ask if I need help. It’s not clear for me if their behavior refers to the ideology of the individualism or they think I would be upset as a female if they reach their hands. In contrast, I was born in a country that although women have the rights to do exactly the same jobs as men, generally, the idea underneath is female gender is physically weaker than male. Therefore, whenever a woman carries stuff there is always a man daring to help.
One of the American values discussed in “American Values and Assumptions” in Gary Althen’s article, is the directness and assertiveness which is so obvious for some particular people from Asia and Middle East. Tending to hide feelings is common in those cultures. Yet, not only had I experienced mediation in Americans, expressing their feelings, but also I have seen some superficial behaviors. I remember several times when I was called to fix a computer problem in a room or an office with 2 or 3 desks people working behind them. In spite of the fact that they treated me politely and friendly, I heard here and there that they are actually not happy of my existence. How should I categorize this type of behavior? Should I consider it as frankness or politeness?
“Time is money” and “You only get so much time in this life; you’d best use it wisely”, indeed, are two valuable quotes in Gary Althen’s article. People in Middle East and especially in Iran don’t really understand the meaning of time. Spending hours and hours on the phone talking to a friend, being late at appointments, swinging on streets aimlessly and as a hobby are some of common tasks for Iranians. On the other hand, in America, most people value their times and try to get the best out of it. For example, I used to see people in Iran sleeping and doing nothing on holidays, but here in the US people actually schedule their plans weeks earlier before the holiday arrives.
Some American’s characteristics may seem too direct, independence, and impartial and they may be acceptable for some, and unpleasing for others, however; looking from outside, those values always let Americans be one of the most successful nations in the world as an individual and as a whole. To be able to live and understand people in other countries more certainly, it is a must to practice and imitate some of those characteristics and then find out if it guides you to a better life in an unfamiliar culture or not.
When I moved to America three years ago, I had some imagination from what I’m supposed to see. Yet, a few of my assumptions came true, and most of them didn’t live up to my expectations. After going to a couple of Computer and English classes, and then finding a job in a private and family oriented company located in Huntington Beach, CA, now most of the American reactions are apprehended .
For Americans, individualism and equality is part of what it means to be an American. They have been taught since their childhood that everybody in this world are responsible for their actions, equal, have the same rights, and should be treated evenly. Doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what gender you are, you have the same rights and should be capable of doing your own habitual tasks. On the other hand, are these subjects only said in books or they are really practiced by citizens?
As a matter of fact some of American’s features differ in suburbs than countries. To be honest, I have experienced the equality between neither races nor genders until I came to New York City. Back in California, I applied for many computer jobs (which are known as a masculine kind of career) through the internet where the interviewers couldn’t tell my gender by my name. Unexpectedly, almost all of the interviewers were surprised when they saw a woman came to the interview, and none of them asked for the second interview except one which the manager was an Asian woman. A couple of years later when I moved to New York I was amazed when I saw African Americans actually own jobs like officers, bankers or teachers since in Orange County, California, I rarely saw an African American doing a high level job or living in a good neighborhood. However, individualism is in American’s blood. No matter how helpless I was in some situations people never dare to ask if I need help. It’s not clear for me if their behavior refers to the ideology of the individualism or they think I would be upset as a female if they reach their hands. In contrast, I was born in a country that although women have the rights to do exactly the same jobs as men, generally, the idea underneath is female gender is physically weaker than male. Therefore, whenever a woman carries stuff there is always a man daring to help.
One of the American values discussed in “American Values and Assumptions” in Gary Althen’s article, is the directness and assertiveness which is so obvious for some particular people from Asia and Middle East. Tending to hide feelings is common in those cultures. Yet, not only had I experienced mediation in Americans, expressing their feelings, but also I have seen some superficial behaviors. I remember several times when I was called to fix a computer problem in a room or an office with 2 or 3 desks people working behind them. In spite of the fact that they treated me politely and friendly, I heard here and there that they are actually not happy of my existence. How should I categorize this type of behavior? Should I consider it as frankness or politeness?
“Time is money” and “You only get so much time in this life; you’d best use it wisely”, indeed, are two valuable quotes in Gary Althen’s article. People in Middle East and especially in Iran don’t really understand the meaning of time. Spending hours and hours on the phone talking to a friend, being late at appointments, swinging on streets aimlessly and as a hobby are some of common tasks for Iranians. On the other hand, in America, most people value their times and try to get the best out of it. For example, I used to see people in Iran sleeping and doing nothing on holidays, but here in the US people actually schedule their plans weeks earlier before the holiday arrives.
Some American’s characteristics may seem too direct, independence, and impartial and they may be acceptable for some, and unpleasing for others, however; looking from outside, those values always let Americans be one of the most successful nations in the world as an individual and as a whole. To be able to live and understand people in other countries more certainly, it is a must to practice and imitate some of those characteristics and then find out if it guides you to a better life in an unfamiliar culture or not.
Friday, May 9, 2008
It really doesn’t matter if one believes in reincarnation or a life after death. The only thing that is really matter is considering a goal and trying to achieve it throughout our lives. Nevertheless, what happens if someone genuinely focuses on his or her task; tries hard to accomplish it, but then dies before seeing and feeling the result of it. Or as Mike LeFevre says in “Who Built the Pyramids” what if someone’s job is like to put up every single bricks of a building but never get a chance to live or even walk in it. Maybe there is not any heaven or hell, nor such a reality that a soul could diffuse in another body to finally see the consequences of the actions. But, there is a way that we could spring our efforts if there is any, and that is through out the future generation. Most of the times, the posterity would be able to improve by their parent’s achievements. However, it is not consistent for every case in every family. If parents want to see the advancement of their children’s life, as well as their consequence of their long life endeavors, they should induce the children by their actions, and practical moralities equally.
One of the most important steps that parents should take in order to make sure that their children are going to follow their expectations is by their actions. When children are born they are virtually blank sheets of paper. Human babies possess nearly zero instinctual skills and must learn everything from the environment around them. Parents are the primary force in this environment. The parents determine exactly what goes on that blank sheet of paper at each stage of development. Parents have control over the behavioral development of their children. If parents do not provide the source for the attention and information babies need in their formative years it is unlikely the babies will be able to get it from anywhere else. And it can only be expected that if the child was not provided with the necessary information, then the child will lack the necessary skills to make socially correct decisions.
Not only parents should be influential by their actions, but also maintain the ability to enforce some rules and discipline is also vital. Being around as a protector or a guider to sometimes remind children about their job is important. Mike LeFevere, he was a simple laborer who clearly had no higher education; consequently he expected his children to go after their education, and finally become an “effete snob.” As a worker, he already has experienced that how it is like to do a strictly muscle work eight hours a week, and not be able to see the result, and be proud of it. Therefore, he seriously wanted his son to be college graduate. He believed that he worked for his child, to see him in a shirt and tie and dressed up real sharp.
How much Mike LeFevere was successful is not known. He was neither able to be a role model, whom his children could look up to, nor did he have all the qualifications for parenting since one of the most important steps is teaching children through actions. However, in “Who Built the Pyramids” he sounds so uptight that anybody who reads the article could imagine how strictly he is in pushing his children to continue their education, as well as working too hard to be able to support them.
One of the most important steps that parents should take in order to make sure that their children are going to follow their expectations is by their actions. When children are born they are virtually blank sheets of paper. Human babies possess nearly zero instinctual skills and must learn everything from the environment around them. Parents are the primary force in this environment. The parents determine exactly what goes on that blank sheet of paper at each stage of development. Parents have control over the behavioral development of their children. If parents do not provide the source for the attention and information babies need in their formative years it is unlikely the babies will be able to get it from anywhere else. And it can only be expected that if the child was not provided with the necessary information, then the child will lack the necessary skills to make socially correct decisions.
Not only parents should be influential by their actions, but also maintain the ability to enforce some rules and discipline is also vital. Being around as a protector or a guider to sometimes remind children about their job is important. Mike LeFevere, he was a simple laborer who clearly had no higher education; consequently he expected his children to go after their education, and finally become an “effete snob.” As a worker, he already has experienced that how it is like to do a strictly muscle work eight hours a week, and not be able to see the result, and be proud of it. Therefore, he seriously wanted his son to be college graduate. He believed that he worked for his child, to see him in a shirt and tie and dressed up real sharp.
How much Mike LeFevere was successful is not known. He was neither able to be a role model, whom his children could look up to, nor did he have all the qualifications for parenting since one of the most important steps is teaching children through actions. However, in “Who Built the Pyramids” he sounds so uptight that anybody who reads the article could imagine how strictly he is in pushing his children to continue their education, as well as working too hard to be able to support them.
Sunday, April 20, 2008

"We are two sisters working, and we can hardly earn enough to buy food and pay our rent," said a sobbing woman, whose face was concealed to hide her identity in a documentary movie called, “Poverty and Prostitution” by Masoud Dehnamaki. The woman covered in the traditional head-to-toe chador, and her name was confidential. She was a prostitute working on the streets of city of Tehran. Numerous single mothers looking for a higher source of income to be able to feed themselves and their children are wandering on the streets, selling themselves to the costumers. Poverty is "a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, health, shelter, and education.” as defined by the United Nations, and it is the mother of all crime, said Aristotle. Thus, the majority of people who lack the basic human needs will have the motivation to strive to gain them.
It has been a long time after Iran’s revolution that poverty has been spreading all over the country, and infusing a large number of people. The more starving people the higher the crime rate will be. “I sometimes dream of having chicken or good food, at least once a week," the woman in the “Poverty and Prostitution” continued, she went on, wiping away tears.” I have worked at homes where they had so much money that they threw food in the garbage. I always envy people who can eat well." Afterward, the prostitution may not consider as a crime; rather, parents who sell their own daughters into prostitution brothels are criminals.
The parents who sell their own daughters into prostitution agencies are often drug addicts, and cannot afford their drug habits. They usually do not have appropriate jobs, and cannot endure the social and personal problems. The authorities in Iran have been unable to stop the flow of drugs across the border from Afghanistan. Therefore, easy availability of opium and the cheap prices of heroin is only part of the problem. The reason of adults’ addiction may vary; however, it is undeniable that poverty can lead people to commit more crimes such as dealing drugs, using them, and committing suicide is coming after.
In general, unemployment, poverty, domestic violence, sexual abuse, drug abuse, emotional abuse, teenage pregnancy is some of the factors responsible for high suicide cases. Likewise, runaways and teenage girls trying to escape from their homes in Iran are fleeing from poverty, and social problems. Their desperation, and also a lack of educational opportunities for women are apparent in recent statistics on suicides in Iran.
In addition, the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing. There are so many people who suffering from poverty, and seeing others in prosperity raises their expectations. As a result, they break the law, lie, steal, cheat or kill in order to seek and gain some material possessions missing in their lives. The sale of organs has become popular in Iran. Illegal kidney vendors usually kidnap women, kids, and even elderly in order to sell their kidneys to the hospitals.
Poverty, lack of opportunity, and discrimination are intimately associated with violence, and it is the mother of ignorance, and the breeder of crime. People today may be so desperate to obtain money that some commit the crime of selling their bodies, kids, organs, children, and illegal drugs. These are just a few examples of all crime that human being perpetrate just to be able to have those things which make a life of worthy possible.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Feel free to do almost anything without fear of consequence. Rather than create controversy, try to keep your head down and focus on the tasks in front of you. Keeping yourself out of the limelight will keep you out of trouble. You are so concerned with the prospect of winning that you forget the little things that make it possible.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Are individuals able to change a system, or at least be able to share their opinions in order to make some improvements in the one country? I can’t say a definite answer due the lack of my knowledge, yet I know the answer is “NO” in the country I grew up, Iran. If I had the authority to change the whole “system of learning” in Iran’s colleges, I would definitely do that. Mostly, in Iran teaching and learning methods are based on theory and books. There are a few courses such as Physics and Chemistry in which students are actually able to see and experience the subjects they read. In High school students are forced to read massive history books, and do college-based mathematics problem. Moreover, after they graduate there is a big entrance exam for college. However, the story does not end at that point. The methods of University teaching are even worse.
Universities and colleges in Iran are divided into two categories: Private School and Public School. Public schools are really hard to get into; therefore, most of the students usually get accepted to private and expensive schools. Nevertheless, the level of learning is lower than in public schools, and there are rarely have hands-on experiences. For instance, I graduated from a private school in Tehran in Software Engineering, and all I remember from computers is heavy loads of books about networking, simulation, and programming. In addition, another issue that students face during years of studying is the lack of experienced faculty members. Unfortunately, majority of true professors whose lectures are worth listening to, have escaped the country to other places where they are actually valued as professionals.
If someday there would be a chance to change the academic system in Iran, it should be done with careful attentions, and by people who have already seen successful countries like the United States. Maybe adding some more courses with actual hands-on experiences would help students understand the course subjects better, instead of having them concentrate on texts only. Even, letting students to pick up some satisfying courses beside their major courses to be able to explore their interest in other areas, would be helpful.
Universities and colleges in Iran are divided into two categories: Private School and Public School. Public schools are really hard to get into; therefore, most of the students usually get accepted to private and expensive schools. Nevertheless, the level of learning is lower than in public schools, and there are rarely have hands-on experiences. For instance, I graduated from a private school in Tehran in Software Engineering, and all I remember from computers is heavy loads of books about networking, simulation, and programming. In addition, another issue that students face during years of studying is the lack of experienced faculty members. Unfortunately, majority of true professors whose lectures are worth listening to, have escaped the country to other places where they are actually valued as professionals.
If someday there would be a chance to change the academic system in Iran, it should be done with careful attentions, and by people who have already seen successful countries like the United States. Maybe adding some more courses with actual hands-on experiences would help students understand the course subjects better, instead of having them concentrate on texts only. Even, letting students to pick up some satisfying courses beside their major courses to be able to explore their interest in other areas, would be helpful.
Monday, December 24, 2007
don b a dreamer
I have a dream to become an artist. This is what I truly want to do with my life or something along the lines. It is important to me because it comes from my creative self and I am sure that if my dreams come from my heart and spirit, God is readily available to me when I decide to live my dream. What should I do to make it come true? I have not done much about it yet. The only thing that I have done is I picture what I desire as if it has already happened. I picture myself painting in a big gallery, full of beautiful abstract and modern frames. I allow this picture to be as vivid as possible. Sometimes it freaks me out, because I do not know where to begin; However, I know that I have to start drawing and painting (which I did a few months ago) or I will never be able to fulfill my dream. Besides, I need to come up with some kind of idea on how one becomes an artist. I also would like to open my eyes to all types of art and meanwhile visiting and seeing other artists would help me figure out what type of art I am mostly interested. In addition, I have to develop my artistic nature. For example, I have to learn about colors, shades, and how to use them or train my eyes to focus on structures, colors, and values. This is my most ambitious goal, and it is one that I could never lose my motivation to achieve.
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